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Music Hell

I love electronic music, everything about it.

The freedom, the freaks, the way at its best is so far beyond what anyone would think is fun, and yet I can’t find anyone to enjoy this with.

I wonder if this is the same with rock, indie, or classical music. Is it so hard to find those that connect with this music the same way you do? And while I am very particular about certain music genres, I’m not picky. I’ll come see your friend of a friend’s noise show.

People talk about the loneliness epidemic. However, I wonder if it’s made worse by the simple answers they give us:

  • “Just go out and meet people.”
  • “Get a hobby.”
  • “Have you tried a run club?”

If you’ve ever done any of these and just stood there lonely, as everyone else has obviously come with people they already know, you know that these sayings can piss off.

This isn’t a stab at people just sticking to their friend groups either. In the few moments you get to see people you care for, you want to enjoy it and milk it for every moment. You’re not actively scouting for others to join.

So, it’s another rave in my living room. I’ve done all the Draino. It’s time to make the perfect Spotify playlist.